Film as a Medium to Navigate New Imaginaries
Screening and discussion with Noor Abed

Sunday 14 July 2024 | 6:30 PM | The Lab

In this screening and discussion, Noor Abed will explore how film can blend mythology and folklore to envision new symbolic and social possibilities in Palestine. She will screen two of her analogue films (listed below), which can be read as historical documents from an unknown archive, recovering memories and linking us to an unfolding imaginary. By incorporating folktales, folk songs, and daily movements, her films strive to create a form deeply connected to the land, rituals, and the often overlooked peripheral knowledge.

The talk will be in Arabic. Films are screened in Arabic with English subtitles.

Our Songs Were Ready for All Wars to Come, 2021, Super 8mm film, sound, 20 min.

A Night We Held Between, 2024, 16mm film, sound, 30 min.

Noor Abed (Palestine) works at the intersection of performance and film, as well as alternative pedagogy. Abed attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in Νew York in 2015-16, and the Home Workspace Program (HWP) at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut 2016-17. In 2020, she co-founded, with Lara Khaldi, the School of Intrusions, an independent educational collective in Ramallah, Palestine. Abed was a curatorial assistant in documenta fifteen, kassel 2021-22, and an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam 2022-24. She was awarded the Han Nefkens Foundation/Fundació Antoni Tàpies Video Art Production Grant 2022.