at the lab
Port of Amman – The Open Studio
Firas Hamdan

Thursday – Saturday – Sunday
25, 27, 28 April 2019 I The Ghorfa

During the first three weeks of April, artist Firas Hamdan facilitated a workshop exploring the dynamics of artistic production and the entertainment industry in the city throughout various historical phases. The participants developed lines of inquiry interrogating the unofficial history of entertainment production in Amman, in relation to popular sound culture, and the dialectics of power, space, and consumption.

On this occasion, we are delighted to invite you to four informal displays of the research projects, developed by the participants. The displays reflect different conceptualisations of the fragments and details of the Port of Amman on mirrors, curtains, and fuzzy floors the colour of coral.

* We will announce the detailed program of the studio at noon of each day.

Opening times:

Thursday: 5-8 PM
Saturday: 12-6 PM
Sunday: 5-7 PM