at the lab
Sound Healing Workshop
Ramsey Kattan

Monday 8 April 2019
6:00 – 7:00 PM

Join us on this fascinating journey into sound and connect to your voice’s energy in the upcoming workshop led by Ramsey Kattan, founder of, AWOUOHE WORKSHOPS (Alternative Ways Of Understanding Our Human Experience). With the intention of gently guiding participants in finding their own resonance, this workshop perfectly encapsulates core values of connecting within and making contact with our own individual essence or vibration.

In this workshop, Ramsey introduces us to Harmonic Singing and focuses on opening up the voice. Currently studying music and healing in India, Ramsey uses techniques taught by Dr. Hafiz al ishi and Master Don Conreux to facilitate healing in the emotional and physical body using voice sound and vibration.

The workshop will be guided using live music instruments.

Ramsey Kattan graduated from the Munira School of Holistic Studies 4 year course (Barbara Brenon school of healing) He is a certified holistic counselor and workshop facilitator.  He has been extensively researching consciousness, cosmology, ancient civilizations, mystical traditions, sacred chanting and music, transpersonal psychology and art. He is currently working with holistic therapists, voice and meditation facilitators, life coaches, drama therapists, yogis, didgeridoo players, musicians, and various artists and has developed a program on alternative ways of understanding our human experience which he intends to pursue moving forward.
