The Museum of Everything
Presentation by James Brett and Tamara Corm

12 April 2011

Since its opening in 2009, The Museum of Everything has showcased the odd, the spectacular and the extraordinary, celebrating the creativity of makers kept outside the art realm. It also invites the visitor to reconsider the role of a museum, what we preserve and what we leave out, unveiling the cracks plaguing the dominant art historical narrative. Founder of The Museum of Everything, James Brett has a background in film, design and architecture. He opened The Museum of Everything in 2009 to showcase creativity by non-traditional artists during which time it has become one of the most successful new independent museums in the world. A graduate from MIT in Architecture, Tamara Corm assisted in establishing the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation in Paris. In 2009 Corm collaborated with James Brett to create the Museum of Everything and is currently involved in setting up the Pace Gallery in London.