Artists in Town
Exhibition in cooperation with the European Commission Delegation in Amman

“Artists in Town" Exhibition in cooperation with The European Commission Delegation in Amman and The Cultural Exchanges in the Mediterranean (Ecume), June/July 2003

Exhibition Catalogue, 2003
Language En/Ar
Published by: Darat al Funun - The Khalid Shoman Foundation
Design: Cap Multimedia/Mohamad Zahabi

Texts by Robert van der Meulen, O.D. Belli, Suha Shoman
Works by Peter Riedlinger, Roberto Verace, Samer Usama, Mathieu Briand, Rajwa Ali, Samer Kurdi, Hamoud Chantou, Hanan Khalil, Pilar Garcia, Rula Shukairy, Mohammed Qaitouqa, Sima Zureikat

“Artists in Town” was a cultural exchange project “to bring people on both sides of the Mediterranean closer together” (Robert van der Meulen). In June 2003 twelve artists of different origins spent a week in Amman, working together and attending workshops. The project culminated in a joint exhibition. This catalogue documents the artists’ works as well as their artistic approaches.
