Jogging– (Theatre in progress)
Hanane Al Hajj Ali

Saturday 29 September 2018
Archaeological Site | 8:00pm

Born in Lebanon, Hanane Al Hajj Ali is an artist, activist and a prominent figure of the cultural and artistic scene in the Arab region. In “Jogging”, Hanane’s performance is about her daily exercises to avoid osteoporosis, obesity and depression. She takes walks in her secluded, personal space, and in the open space of Beirut. Along the way she revisits dreams, desires, hopes, disillusions, characters, and roles – mostly several representations of Medea from the Greek mythology with whom she shares some commonalities.

The effects of this daily routine are contradictory. As a matter of fact, two hormones are stimulated in her body, Dopamine and Adrenaline that are alternatively destructive and constructive, amidst a city that destroys to build and builds to destroy.

Alone on a bare stage, Hanane – woman, wife and mother – lifts the veil on her identity, becoming an “unveiled” performer on stage, where personas progressively parade to fit together like Russian dolls.

Hanane Hajj Ali is an artist, activist, researcher, consultant, and trainer. She is a member of the Expert Facility of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Her artistic career started in 1978 as a founding member of the Hakawati Theater (Lebanese Theatre of Storytellers) and she has performed in prestigious international theaters and festivals. She is a winner of the Vertebra Prize for Best Actor at Summerhall/Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2017. Besides her artistic activity Hanane Hajj Ali is a teacher in Theatrical studies/Master program at IESAV- Saint Joseph universities, and a founder and board member of several cultural institutions and artistic organizations in the Arab world such as “Culture Resource- Al Mawred Athaqafy”, “Action For Hope”, and “Ettijahate, Independent Culture”.
