Book Launch
Writing Behind the Lines

Wednesday 15 May 2024 | 7PM | The Lab

Under the patronage of Her Excellency, the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Haifa Al-Najjar, and in the presence of His Excellency, the Palestinian Minister of Culture, Mr. Emad Hamdan, and with the participation of Palestinian poet Fatena Al-Ghorra, Darat al Funun, in honor of those in Gaza who continue to endure the violent brutality of settler colonialism, launches Writing Behind the Lines, a series of books published by the Palestinian Ministry of Culture, featuring personal testimonies, diaries, and literary texts by writers and artists from Gaza that document the details of their daily life under Israeli aggression since October 2023. These writings, which provide a variety of perspectives, are powerful testimonials to the daunting realities in Gaza today amidst the ongoing genocide.


Alaa Obaid, Ahmed Kahlout,  Ahmed Ashour, Akram Sourani, Amira Hamdan, Ibrahim Hamdan, Eman Natour, Bisan Ntil, Jihan Abu Lasheen, Hassan Qatrawi, Hikmat Youssef, Haidar Ghazali, Khaled Shahin, Diana Shinnawi, Rima Mahmoud, Zuhair Beilbisi, Saed Abu Aita, Sami Stoum, Said Abu Gaza, Said Kahlout, Samah Jazar, Samaher Khazendar, Sundos Sabra, Shahinaz Abu Shubika, Shujaa Safadi, Saba Tawfik, Talaat Qudih, Atef Abu Saif, Abdulrahman Habil, Abdullah Tayeh, Othman Hussein, Arab Mahmoud, Alaa Abu Jahjouh, Ali Abu Yassin, Awn Allah Abu Safieh, Faeq Abu Sahweesh, Fatena Al Ghorra, Fadi Abu Yassin, Fayez Abu Awn, Fedaa Zeyad, Kifah Al Ghosein, Kamal Soboh, Layan Abu Al Qumssan, Mohammed Abu Kwaik, Mohammed Zaqzouq, Mohammed Nassar, Mahmoud Bassyouni, Mahmoud Rouqa, Mahmoud Assaf, Mariam Qoush, Mustafa Nabih,  Mai Tayeh, Maissa Asfour, Maysoun Kahil, Nadia Abu Jyab, Nadine Martaji, Nasser Rabah, Nahed Zakout, Najwa Shamoun, Nidal Faqaawi,  Nima Hassan, Nahil Muhanna, Hani Salemi, Hani Moussa, Hind Joudeh,  Haya Freij, Haifaa Abu Jarad, Yara Zahd, Yasmine Nassr Al Abed, Youssra Al Khatib, Youssry Al Ghoul, and Youssf Al Qidra.

Collected and edited by: Dr. Atef Abu Saif 

Image from the cover page of the first book, a drawing by artist Maissara Baroud. 

The drawings featured in the 2nd book are by artist Nawaf Amro. 

The drawings featured in the 3rd book are by artist Alaa Jaabari.
