Speak Oh Bird
Al Rowat for Studies and Research

11 July – 24 September 2017
Blue House

Within the framework of its ‘Falastin al Hadara’ program, Darat al Funun presents a number of exhibitions that look at both pioneering and contemporary art in Palestine.

Darat al Funun presents Speak Oh Bird in collaboration with "Al Rowat for Studies and Research", featuring audio and visual imagery of firsthand accounts from displaced Palestinians of 1948, collected since 2012.

This multi disciplinary exhibition showcases accounts of Palestinians who lived before and through the Nakba and displacement. To date Al Rowat collected 115 oral accounts documenting and contributing to the richness of the Palestinian narrative.

"Speak Oh Bird" aims to open up these experiences of displacement to a wider and younger audience, especially to those who do not know or have not lived through these experiences, so the memory will live on.

The exhibition features audio and visual imagery and traditional items collected by displaced Palestinian women. The opening will include a launch of "Living Memories" by "Al Rowat for Studies and Research", including accounts and photographs of displaced Palestinians narrating their lives before, during and after the Nakba. The book consists of six interviews out of the 115 accounts collected so far. The book is the first result coming out of the main project since 2012.

The exhibition is curated by Khaled Hourani.
